Could someone please help with this 1838 baptism record for Maria Teodocia Pezina?
This record is difficult to read but I would appreciate any help you can provide.
I believe the parents are Juan Pezina and Maria Guadalupe Padron (according to the indexing in Ancestry and FamilySearch) but I cannot really make it out. And, is there any information here as to the age of the child, and whether the father is deceased? Are any grandparents mentioned?
I am having no luck finding the death of Juan Pezina (Piscina?) but he must have died when the child was young because Maria Guadalupe's second husband adopted Teodocia (according to family lore).
You will probably have the best luck reading this document online. It is from: "México bautismos, 1560-1950", database, FamilySearch ( : 10 April 2020), Maria Teodocia Pezina, 1838. It is image 221, the first entry on the right-hand page.
Here is the link:
Thank you very much for any help you can provide.
Hi Brenda,
It's nice to hear from you again! You are doing some fantastic research and I love working with you on your research questions. Here is what I got out of the baptism record:
-I believe that the record we want is actually the third entry on the left, number 156.
-It says that Juan Pezina was her father and Maria Guadalupe Padron was her mother.
-Her godparents were "el mismo Juan Pezina" (the same Juan Pezina) and Melina Ceaniga (spelling?). This is unusual because parents were not usually godparents to the children as well, but the record also says that she was baptized at home (probably because they worried she would not live long). The father may have acted as godfather for lack of anyone else to do so.
That's the core of this document. I hope this is helpful information! Best of luck as you continue to search for these family members.
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Thank you, Hailey. I am really enjoying working with you, too. Your help has been so valuable in my effort to sort out my ancestors who settled in Mexico. I see that you are right that the correct record is #156. I think the Ancestry and FamilySearch indexing threw me off...they had the date as May 29 instead of the 28th. No wonder I was not getting anything out of the 29th entry! This is "my" Teodocia based on her parents' names. Since her father was also the godfather, I take it that he was not deceased at the time of the baptism. Fortunately, Teodocia did survive and married my 2x great uncle...which gives me such an interesting family story about the two German brothers who went to Mexico and married there.
Thanks again for all of your help.
Best regards,