Could someone please translate this 1866 marriage record for Enrique Garms?
I can make out some of it, but would appreciate a complete translation. I am particularly interested in the mention of Enrique being from Allemania and also the mention of Guadalupe Padron. What is the relationship of Guadalupe in this record?
This record is from FamilySearch: Mexico, Nuevo Leon Catholic Church Records, 1667-1981; Montemorelos>San Mateo>Matrimonios 1860-1880; film #004515004. It is image 145-146, #33 marriage of Enrique Garms and Herminia Emilia Carlota Reiche.
Here is the link:
Your help will be very much appreciated. Thank you!
Meilleure réponse
Hi Brenda!
Here are the main points of the marriage record:
-The marriage took place on 19 May 1866 in the San Mateo parish, Montemorelos
-Enrique Garmes and Herminia Emilia Carlota Teresa Reiche
-Enrique Garms (spelled without the E the second time) was 64 years old, born in Germany, and living in the city of Montemorelos
-Enrique was previously married to Guadalupe Padron, who was buried in the churchyard of the San Mateo parish a month and a few days before the marriage.
-Herminia Emilia Carlota Teresa Reiche was 30 years old and born in Brandenberg, "Kingdom of Russia" (Brandenburg, Germany was part of Prussia at the time)
-Herminia was the widow of Francisco Otto Emilio Licht, who was buried in Linares eight months before.
-Witnesses: Roberto Welch and Juan Salazar
There are so many clues leading to other documents here! I hope it helps you immensely in your research.
Best wishes,
Thank you so much, Hailey. I agree, there are a lot of clues here. Your assistance with this record is extremely helpful in moving me further along in my family research. Enrique (aka Heinrich) is my 2x great uncle and this confirms some of my family lore about his life in Mexico. Thanks again for your help with this; it is very much appreciated!