Albert Kingdom KCXT-49H? What next?

We have searched for this man's birth and family for many years, We have his marriage record ( he said his father was William ), and his 1891 census record. Occupation Tailor. His wife shows as married in the next two census records, but no husband. We can not find him before or after. Birth date is questionable. His son Cecil joins the military and states his father (he just lists Albert without a last name) lives as next of kin at 24 Tennyson Rd, New Brompton, Kent. Have searched 1901 and 1911 for that whole street, but no luck. Even looked for any Albert as a tailor. The military record attached to Albert is wrong and belongs to Albert Kingdom, son of Robert kingdom, born 1878 in Triverton, Devon. Any help would be much appreciated.
Not sure that I can be of much help. It looks like you have searched very thoroughly.
Some thoughts that you may have already tried
- Have you looked at all marriage certificates of children? In addition to stating the name of the father, they should give his occupation and whether he is still alive although, of course, such information cannot always be relied upon.
- I see that an Anne Parker has been contributing to the record. Have you contacted her to find out what she knows and where she might have searched?
- Both Cecil and Venetia are missing on the 1901 census. Have you tried looking for them? I must admit that I have tried this without success.
- Do you have birth certificates for all the children? There may (or may not!) be useful information on these.
- Looking at civil registration births around 1865 is not very productive. The most plausible candidates are born in Plymouth in 1858 and 1859. This is a long shot but you could try getting the birth certificates for these to see if either had a father called William. Even this would, unfortunately, not be conclusive given the age discrepancy. You could then try tracking that person forward in census records.
- Perhaps the 1921 census will yield something assuming Albert is still alive.
I wish you success.
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Just a further thought. Have you explored DNA links? Not guaranteed to work of course but stands a decent chance particularly as Albert is not that far back in your tree. I have broken quite a few brick walls in my tree with this.
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Thank you for your suggestions. Anne Parker is the descendant of Albert Kingdom and a ward member I am helping. I asked her to look at the children's marriage and birth certificates; thank you for that idea.
Right now, I am amassing all the possible records I can find for the children and the wife.