Help in reading vestry minutes

I am having a hard time reading an entry and wondered if someone could help. It is at the bottom of the left page under the signature of Jn A Harrison. It is regarding the parish clerk but I cannot make out all the words to understand what is going on. I would appreciate help on translating the entry. Thank you so much
Here's the link or I have attached the picture
@ifyerhappyanduknowit can you help?
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I had someone else take a look at your document and this is the best she could do. I hope that this helps you
She said left page, but I'm assuming she meant right, since the signature of Jn A Harrison is on the right page
This is the best I have been able to do:
Proposed by Mr. Anderson
____ by Mr. Geo Swan
That the Chairman he requests
with the Archdioces on the ___ of the ____
more especially with _____ to the Clerks
Fees - I humbly _______________________
____ of augmenting the Clerks fee
for Burial which appears ___
Signed on behalf of the
meeting R. ______ (the same signature is in the entry above under "Present")
This document is in perfect English, but the cursive handwriting is terrible and I honestly can't read much of it at all.
The Clerk's fees need to be augmented because the fee for the burial appears inadequate.
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Thank you so much. It helps!!! I agree the handwriting is terrible and I had a very hard time reading it! I was hoping that the entry would give me clues as to why he left his office as the parish clerk. From my understanding it was a good position that was often passed from father to son. He moved to a nearby parish and became an innkeeper after several years in the position, however he still brought his children to that parish chapel to be christened. I really appreciated your help! This is a wonderful resource!
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@AngBB I am so happy what was translated was helpful to you. I wish it could have been more, but I am glad it still helped you. 😊
If we can assist you further, please don't hesitate to post another discussion.
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Thank you so much Shannon. It is a challenging record. Thank you for the help!
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Had a another look at this added the chairmans name Richard Dalton KENNICOTT (I think). VERY unsure about the use of the "yogh" although it is similar .
Proposed by Mr. Anderson
Seconded by Mr Geo. Swan
that the Chairman he? requests to commensurate
with the archdeacon on the subject of the fees
more especially with reference to the clerks
fees….I humbly ……………. ……………….. =
(fossil letter/word?? unlikely as "yogh" goes out of useage supposedly in the1`500's but it is VERY similar)….of augmenting the Clerks fee
…burial which appears very
Inadequate signed on behalf of the
meeting R. Dalton Kennicott Chairman
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Not sure if you noticed or not but was advised to put the @AngBB into the text or you might not get a notification - I had a look at the transcript and was able to (I think) add a bit of clarity to the document transcription (shown above). Don't know if its of any use but was fun doing it (sort of)