I have two issues. One, I am searching for DOB, the date of marriage or date of death for my Great
Since their son, my grandfather, Antonio Leone who was born 1 Dec 1877 in Nicastro, Sant’Eufermia, Lamezia, Cantanzaro, Calabria, Italy, I assume both my great grandparents were from in or around the same area. I was informed that many records from Nicastro were sent to Lamezia Terme many years ago.
Secondly, and here’s where things get complicated. My grandmother, Rosa Stephana Torchia-Montana was born 9 Dec 1876 and again I assume in Nicastro, Cantanzaro, Calabria, Italy. She married my grandfather, Antonio Leone on 26 Jun 1897. There’s some confusion concerning her name and/or if she was adopted. She arrived in New York, New York, USA 1 Mar 1903.
The reason I seek all this information is that there are 9 -14 of us going to Italy in hopes of finding any living relatives.
I'd like to add that we have no idea who my grandmothers parents are
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Hello Jo,
unfortunately Nicastro isn't listed under Catanzaro in the digitalized and web accessible SAN archives. Nevertheless, all "Stato Civile" registers (1809-2003) from Nicastro seems to be conserved by Comune di Lamezia Terme - Delegazione di Nicastro. You may try to fill up the form at the attached web page with your grandparents data and email it to the Stato Civile Officer:
Delegazione di Nicastro - Piazza A. D'Ippolito
Sig.ra Annamaria Spinelli
email: a.spinelli@comune.lamezia-terme.cz.it
Sometimes they mail you back a pdf copy of the requested act.
Otherwise a trip to, or a contact in, Nicastro would be the only way...
Best regards
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Thank you. I believe this will help us when we go to Italy.