missing records

i am trying to find the records for temple balsall warwickshire burials. there is a gap in them and i have found the burials but stones unreadable. at the time in the 1800s no burial services were being held at the church although the children were buried in the church graveyard. they are in a family plot of whiteheads.
any ideas please.
I see from the FamilySearch Catalog there are records available to view for burials, but only up to 1878.
Whether your missing records are within that period or are post-1878 I would suggest checking out the registers of nearby parishes. I have found there were no burials at all in an Essex parish (where my ancestors resided), but for quite a long period all events are to be found recorded in the register of an adjoining parish.
The county record offices are usually very helpful in response to specific queries regarding their collections, so maybe email Warwickshire Record Office to see if they have any suggestions - particularly in respect of a likely, alternative parish where these burials might be recorded.
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When you say that there is a gap in the records, are the records missing or were there simply no burials recorded?
What time period are you looking for?
Find My Past lists burials between 1800 and 1876 with no obvious gaps. This is probably based on the same records Paul mentions.
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thank you both. i have a family group of headstones but there are three childrens which have sunk into the ground i have tried to clear them but they are worn to much. all i know they are the whitehead family either benjamin and his wife anne courts or his brother william and his wife hannah court. but can find no burials for them.
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There are 7 Whitehead burial entries on Find My Past. All are listed under both Temple Balsall and Balsall. All died within a 10 year period. Only 2 were children. The list, in order of year of birth, is as follows:
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yes thank you i have these . i got them directly off the gravestones . benjamin and ann were my gt gt grandparents, sarah and john their children the baby john was johns son . william was benjamins brother. annie harriet their daughter. but that still leaves the remaining graves you can just make out the surname whitehead on them but that is all and john who died aged2yrs old has a headstone the same size and in the same row as the other small headstones. the adults all have large headstones in front of the childrens.
thank you very much for your time and trouble.