Temple Work for Someone Who Clearly has enough information to have her work done.

- LTL2-3ZW, Sarah Warren is my children's 8th great grandmother. She has estimated birth info, exact death info and exact marriage info, yet her ordinances say,"This person's ordinance status is not available. Please contact FamilySearch Support if you are a relative and need more information." Her husband and her children's work has been done.
This comment usually means that the temple work has been completed but something has happened in the database to prevent it being from displayed. Due to space constraints, FamilySearch compressed the notice you posted into a format that a lot of people find confusing on a first, quick read. What those two short sentences are trying to say is:
This person's ordinance information cannot be displayed. They may or may not be completed and may or may not be properly associated with the record. Various issues with the underlying data that you cannot see can cause this hiccup. It is usually easy to correct. Please post a message in the Family Search Community in the Temple section of Q and A (aka Help Center Categories) at https://community.familysearch.org/en/categories/temple-support. Include the person's name and ID number. You will be contacted via a private direct message if more information is needed to correct this problem.
Support seems to have the routine for fixing these notices pretty efficient now because most people seem to be getting a reply that the display is fixed within just a day or two.