Belgian families 1940's

I’m not sure this is the proper forum for this question, but I’m trying to find the descendants of some Belgian families that my Dad was very good friends with during World War II. I have names, photos, letters, and even street addresses. We are traveling to Europe next year and I would like to see if they are interested in meeting. If they aren’t that is fine, but I would at least like to be able to ask and thank them for be a family to my Dad.
Therefore, I was wondering if anyone might have any ideas of resources that might be helpful in my search. Note, I contacted the U.S. Belgium Embassy and they said to contact the City of Liege. However, when I tried to send a question to the City of Liege it wouldn’t accept my question because I didn’t have a proper phone number. Anyway, the families are from Liege and include:
Lelievre – Ghislaine, Malou and Christian
Dognié – Charlotte, Ghislaine and Bijoie (?)
Pirlet – Audré or André
Manu – Rene and André
Thanks so much, Darrell West
Meilleure réponse
Darrel , about 75 years have passed since WW2 ended ,and if your search only starts today and here
i fear you will get lost in the woods. The city of Liege (Luik) cannot help you , even when they wanted to
do so, the descendants are privacy protected for a period of 120 years...could you consider starting a query on facebook?, ..maybe you would have a change on that platform.
btw Bijoie= Bijou or Bijoux, meaning jewel.