24 December 1805 birth in Wentzwiller, Haut-Rhin, Alsace, France?
May I have this birth record translated please? Possibly for Jean Mundwiller son of Jean Jacques Mundwiller (LR28-XZ5) and Anne Marie Wanner.
Wentzwiller birth record for Jean Mundwiller:
image 92 of 414; first birth record on left page
Thank you much.
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Translation of the birth record
The year 14 of the French republic, the day 3 of Nivôse at 1h of the afternoon, before us Martin Wanner, mayor and registrar of Wentzwiller, canton of Huningue, department of the High-Rhine appeared Jacques Mundwiller, aged 44 years, farmer and schoolmaster born and domiciled in the said place, who presented us a child of male sex born today at 4 o'clock in the morning, of him declaring and of Anne Marie Wanner, his wife born and domiciled also in the said place and to whom he declared to want to give the first name of (Jean), the said declaration and presentation made in the presence of André Wanner, aged 24 years and Anna Wanner, daughter of the miller aged 22 years, the first one born and domiciled in Niderhazenthat, the second one in the said Wentzwiller, all father and witnesses signed with me the present birth certificate after it was read to them.
Jean is Jacques brother's
birth date : 3 nivôse year 14 : 25 december 1805
le service de soutien de Familysearch
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Thank you again for this detailed translation and the extra note confirming he is the brother of Jacques.
Thank you much.