Kendall One-Name Study & DNA Project
This group is open to all Kendall family members and descendants including various spellings: Kendal, Kendale, Kindall, Kendell, Kindell, Kindel, Kindle, Kendel, Kendle, K_ND_L_.
1. Connect with other Kendalls
2. Locate Kendall family origins
3. Verify, prove and supplement published genealogies
4. Promote research standards and genetic genealogy
5. Identify new avenues to research for "brick walls"
I started a Kendall One-Name Study and DNA Project. If you are interested in genetic testing, please message me or visit learn more.
You can donate to our Kendall Y-DNA Project. Funds can be earmarked for specific families or individuals.
I hope you will join our group, share some family stories and meet new cousins.
Kendall One-Name Study on FacebookWe have a Facebook group, too. The group is op…