Help with Danish christening records
Is there anyone who can help me with this?
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Sorry about the late reply.
The witnesses for Niels are:
Ole Pedersen of Nygaard, Thomas Rasmussen('s ?) step-daughter Thrine Jensdatter of the same place; Søren Sørensen, widow's son Povel Sørensen, Jacob Jacobs(en's) wife Anne Ped(ersdatter?), and Maren Rasmusdatter was the maid who held the child at the baptism, all of Fiirgaarde.
The witnesses for Johanne are:
Jachob (Jakob) Jachobsen, Rasmus Pedersen, Niels Rasmus(sen) batchelor/farm hand, smith's wife ____________ all of Fiirgaarde. Thomas Rasm(usen's) wife Katrine Ped(ersdatter?) who held the child for the baptism, and Ole Peders(en's) maid Karen Olesd(atter) both of Nygaard.
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@Norm Baker thanks so much! I really appreciate your help.