My great grandmother was Maria Bartoli born in 1824 in Gragnano, Lucca, Toscany and died 30 Oct 1877
Hi Laura
Both Gragnano and Tofori are part of the town of Capannori in the provice of Lucca.
However, I am sorry to inform you that for now, on the net, the records for Capannori are only between 1807 and 1814. You may want to visit these sites on later date to see if new records come on line.
For Gragnano: FamilySearch Catalog: Italia, Lucca, Gragnano. Stato civile, 1808-1814 —
For Tofori: FamilySearch Catalog: Italia, Lucca, Tofori. Stato civile, 1807-1814 —
For Capannori: Capannori | Antenati (
Good luck
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Maria's death record says her father was already dead but her mother still alive. I looked in the 1866-1875 and 1876-1885 10-year death indexes and didn't find Giuseppe so he likely died before 1866.
I also looked for Elisabetta's death in the 1876-1885 and 1886-1895 10-year death indexes and didn't find her. So she may have died in the 1896-1905 time frame but there's no 10-year index although the annual records are available in FamilySearch. Or she may have died in another town.
Between 1815 and 1865, this area of Italy did not have civil registration so the only records for Gragnano and Capannori would be church records. They're not online so you would need to contact the parish church of Gragnano:
S. Maria Assunta ab. 1
Indirizzo: Via Belvedere, 2, Gragnano, Capannori
Tel 0583 975862
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Thank you for your help.