In the year eighteen hunderd twenty nine, the twenty second of the month of January at three o’clock in the afternoon, before us Andreas Constantinus Coucke, mayor, civil servant of the community of Markeghem, district Kortrijk, Province West-Flanders (Belgium) appeared Emanuel Van der Meersch, age 30 years, weaver, born in Wacken and living in this community, who has shown a child of the male sex, born today at seven o’clock this morning, from him declarer and of Sophia Van Demaete, born in Wacken, his housewife and he declares to give the first names of Constantinus. This declaration and show was done in the presence of Willem Scherpereel, age fifty years, tapper (= inn keeper) and Karel Germain, thirty four years, constable, both living here in this community and who have with us and the declarer signed this record, after it was read before them.
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Hello Gilbert,
A big THANK YOU for this translation which is very precious to me even though I do not speak Flemish.
I did not have the opportunity to thank you earlier because I was disturbed by the new presentation of the focus groups.
I often work on the France group so, on occasion, don't hesitate to let me know 😉
Best regards - Paul-Marc