I Need Help Reading/translating one word
On line 110 of the following page of "Moving In" records, there is an entry for my ancestor Anders Larsson.
Right below his name is the phrase "????? hos Gronwall". To me the first word looks like it is spelled "geustgom" but that spelling/word is not in any dictionaries that I can find. Please help me read/translate this word.
In the household examination record, Anders Larsson is listed as an apprentice (Lärl.), and there is a Johan Gronwall in the same building who was a char macker (Stolmakare)
I think the first letter is an H.
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When he moves out of Björklinge, he is a "tjenstgossen" (servant boy). See here: https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/F0000325_00074#?c=&m=&s=&cv=73&xywh=2206%2C1863%2C923%2C592 . I think this is the same word, ie. "tjenstgosse", but the writer didn't cross the "t" nor dot the "j".