Cutiwa, Austria?
Can you link to the document that lists that place? And do you have any other records that say where he is from? Austria could mean anywhere in the Austro-Hungarian Empire, so it would help to narrow it down.
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Hi Mckenna,
Thank you for answering. I have attached the record I am referring to. I am trying to put two families together and don't have complete proof yet that the family listed on this record is an actual relation (so I haven't ordered the original yet). However, one clue I'm looking into to prove the relationship is the birth place of the mother - Cutiwa, Austria. I believe Barbara Kirsch Stoeber is brother to a man I am researching who lists his place of birth as Vienna. However, I believe he just listed the largest city closest to his actual birth place. So I'm wondering what Cutiwa (sp?) could actually be and if it is located outside of Vienna. Any help would be appreciated.
Thank you,
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I see. There doesn't appear to be any place of that name or anything similar in Austria itself according to the GenTeam gazetteer, and Austria was also often an abbreviation for the whole empire, so that town could really be in a number of countries today. I would try to gather more information in U.S. records about Barbara and her family first (as well as the other family) before jumping back to Austria. So, gather all censuses, birth, marriage, death certificates for their children, obituaries etc. If any of her male relatives became U.S. citizens, a naturalization record should list their hometown. Passenger lists could also give you another spelling of the hometown. Once you've found them in all the U.S. records, that should give you more details to narrow down the hometown in Austria. You may find this article series helpful on how to trace immigrants:
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There was a Kuttina (also written Cutina or Kutina), later called Gutonya, in Krassó-Szörény county, Hungary (Transylvania). It is now Cutina, Romania. If the index entry you found was based on a handwritten document, I would not be surprised to see a sloppy 'n' misread as 'w'.
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In another instance, there is also a Kutina, Croatia. One more possibility may also be Kotiv in the Ternopil Oblast in modern day Ukraine, which in 1910 was part of Galicia in then Austria.