how to delete someone from a family tree?
@DianeDwyer1 DianeDwyer1
Short Answer:
You can ONLY "Delete" an individual/person from "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch', if,
(1) you were the User/Patrons who CREATED them; and,
(2) NO other User/Patron has contributed ANY information/data to them.
..... [ Other User/Patron, includes that of 'FamilySearch' ]
IF, you have the ability to "Delete" an individual/person; THEN, you will see this:
Whereas ...
IF, you DO NOT have the ability to "Delete" an individual/person; THEN, you will see this:
Now ...
That said ...
There are options that are available to you ...
(1) You can "Merge"/"Combine" them with another individual/person; or,'
(2) You can "Remove" them from your "Ancestral" lines.
And ...
Furthermore ...
Of course ...
IF, you believe; and, can support your belief, that an individual/person DID NOT exist / NEVER existed; THEN, you can certainly Submit a 'FamilySearch' "Support" Case, with your belief; plus, support; and, request that the individual/person be "Deleted" / "Removed" entirely from "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'. 'FamilySearch' will investigate the matter; and, take the appropriate action; and, advise you of such action.
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch':
How do I delete a person from Family Tree?
Where it states:
You can delete a deceased person's record from Family Tree if you are the one that created the record and no other contributor has changed it. The message "Delete Person Unavailable" appears if you cannot delete a person.
You can also delete a living person's record if it appears in your private spaces.
When you delete a record, these changes occur:
- Family Tree removes any relationships to other individuals.
- The record can no longer be modified.
- The record can only be searched by ID number.
[ Furthermore ]
Getting help
If the person never existed, and you cannot delete the person, contact FamilySearch Support and provide the information below:
- Your username and helper number.
- Name and ID number of the person you want deleted.
- Reason the person should be deleted.
After your case has been reviewed, you will receive a response from support informing you of the outcome.
Can I delete a person from Family Tree after ordinances have been performed?
Where it (the whole article) states:
You cannot delete a record of a person if ordinances were completed. The message "Delete Person Unavailable" appears.
If you believe that a person with completed ordinances should be deleted, please contact FamilySearch Support.
I hope this helps.