Hello, I am searching for information on the Giori family and the Anelini family in Brescia, Lombard
The Giori family resided in Nozza, Vestone, Brescia. I am looking for the family of Domenica Pasini and Bortolo Giori. One of their children was Angelini Giori, born 1887 in Nozza. She married Alessio Anelini from Bione, Brescia in 1905. His parents were Angelo Anelini and Elisabetta Bonetti. I would so appreciate any information about these families. Thank you very much.
Hello, i dont found any town with this names.
I am sorry!
Maybe was Brione? you can look here:
https://www.familysearch.org/search/catalog/2328759?availability=Family History Library
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Hello, Thank you so much for replying. Bione is a commune in Brescia. Nozza is a village in Vestone which is also a commune in Brescia.
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Dear @JLee16 JLee16 ,
Following THIS LINK (Giori) and THIS LINK (Anelini) and THIS LINK (Bonetti Elisabetta) you can find all indexed documents available in the Italy, Brescia, Civil Registration (State Archive), 1797-1943. Some records report Nozza but unfortunalely for Anelini no results.
Currently no Anelini surname is present not only in Brescia and its provinces but in the whole Lombardy as per the site Italia.Indettaglio.it at THIS LINK. Are you sure Anelini is the correct surname? Sorry for this question 😃
I hope can help!
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Thank you so much. Alessio Anelini was my great grandfather. It is the name on his birth certificate. I know his parents’ names because they appear on the certificate, but I don’t know anything else about his family. Angelina Giori, his wife, was my great grandmother. Her parents, per her birth certificate, were Domenica Pasini and Bortolo Giori. I know Angelina had several siblings, but I only know the name of a brother, Cesare. I will have to write to the towns of Nozza, Vestone and Bione in Brescia to get more information, but without any dates for Angelina’s and Alessio’s parents, I’m not sure if it’s possible to get any information. Do you have any advice you can share?
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Hi @JLee16 JLee16 ,
in FamilySearch Tree there is THIS ANCESTOR seems not be yours. In this tree Bartolo has five children among the others Cesare instead you said you know just Cesare's name, other things are identical and other a little bit different, so probably this isn't you tree. In case this isn't your tree you could get in contact with its owner going into the tree, entering for example the person Alessio and in the section "Last changes" on the right you can click the owner's name and send him a message and share your knoledge.
Could you share births' certificate you have and in case the marriage one?
I hope can help!
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Hello, Thank you for your answer. That isn’t my tree. I already shared all of the information I have with the person who made the tree some time ago.