How long does it take for FamilyTree to accept an uploaded photograph? I uploaded an image 20 minut
@GrantHovey GrantHovey
I understand your angst - been there, done that ...
It has been at least an 1 Hour since you raised this 'Question'; and, thus, about 80 Minutes since you uploaded that 'Photograph'.
Has that 'Photograph' NOW been 'uploaded'?
Sometimes, because of, the time of day (or, night); and, the User/Patron usage of ('load' on) the "System"; plus, if there is any, Major; or, (Minor) 'In-Line', updates/releases to the "System", things can SLOW down considerably.
In my 'neck of the woods' it is about 5pm Sunday afternoon; but, in London (England, UK) it is about 7am Sunday morning; whereas, in Salt Lake City, Utah, USA it is about Midnight (Saturday, night/Sunday, morning).
And, you MUST remember that ALL 'Photographs' put into the "Memories" of 'FamilySearch' are PREVIEWED / REVIEWED by 'FamilySearch"; BEFORE, they are actually UPLOADED; sometimes, there can be a delay in the PREVIEWED / REVIEWED process, due to the slowness of the "System" and ANY backlog/buildup of "Memories" being put into 'FamilySearch', at any given time.
They say 'patience is a virtue' ... well I do no have any patience ...
Now ...
That said ...
There can also sometimes be problems/issues with the "Servers" that 'FamilySearch" uses - there are a number, that can impact on things. It may be working fine for one User/Patrons; but, not for another in a different location.
Also ...
Quite often, the 'Photograph' may have been PREVIEWED / REVIEWED (processed); and, ''uploaded'; but, there is still a RED Error. If, such is the case; then, simply, "Refresh" the "Browser" 'Tab'/'Window'; and, the RED Error magically goes away - it is just a time lag.
I hope all is good now.
If, not, then, there may be a problem/issue with 'FamilySearch' - you never know.
I hope this helps.