After I started my family tree I notice that there was another member who had started his own and I
@Jose ManuelTejada Espinal
Short Answer: Most probably, 'Yes'.
But ...
That said ...
For starters ... and, please bear with me here ...
We do not have our OWN "Tree" in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
We ONLY have "Branches" (ie. "Ancestral" lines), that are interconnected, in this SINGLE "One" World "Tree", for all of us, that is "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
"Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' is NOT like other 'On-line' "Websites"; and/or, 'standalone' personal (computer) programmes.
We DO NOT have "Private"/"Personal" 'Trees' in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' like other 'On-line' "Websites"; and/or, 'standalone' personal (computer) programmes.
We do not even, own; or, manage; and, are NOT even responsible for, the "Deceased" individuals/persons in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
"Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' is built on a "Open Edit" Platform - hence, why any registered User/Patron can "Edit" (ie. Add, Delete; and/or, Change) ANY "Deceased" individual/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
"Deceased" individuals/persons in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' DO NOT reside with the User/Patron who initially created them - they are "Public".
If fact, we can ONLY see "Deceased" individual/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'; except, with this 'rider', that you can ALSO only see "Living" individuals/persons in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' that YOU created; as, they reside in your "Private Spaces" in your 'FamilySearch' Account.
Now ...
That said ...
For, BOTH, you; and, the other User/Patron [be-it, a Member of the Church; or, a non-member, makes NO difference], to connect/link TOGETHER, you MUST both individually add ANY (and, all the) "Living" individuals/persons that connect/link you both together; BEFORE, you can connect/link to the "Deceased" individuals/persons in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
In other words, you BOTH have to have DUPLICATES (ie. 'Copies') of any "Living" individuals/persons that connect/link you both together, in your respective 'FamilySearch' Accounts.
Furthermore ...
No other User/Patron can see ANY "Living" individuals/persons that were created by another User/Patron; as, they ONLY reside in the "Private Spaces" of the User/Patron who created them.
We CANNOT even see the ACTUAL Record in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' of our IMMEDIATE Family (eg. Spouse; Children; Parents; Siblings; ETC; Etc; etc) if they are "Living"; and, they have their own 'FamilySearch' Account.
Of course, you can create your "Living" Family members; and, record them in "Family Tree" of "FamilySearch"; but, they will ONLY be seen by you:
- You cannot "Share" them with any other User/Patron.
- You cannot "Merge"/'Combine" them with any other "Living" individual/person residing in the "Private Spaces" of another User//Patron.
There is CURRENTLY no mechanism in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' for Users/Patrons, to "Share"; or, "give permission" to "Share", the "Living" individuals/persons in their own "Private Spaces" with/between other/another User/Patron.
There are a myriad of "Privacy" Laws within the many various Countries and Unions throughout the World - it is a nightmare to negotiate.
"Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' is used in many Countries and Unions throughout the World; and, as such, must adhere to the myriad of "Privacy" Laws throughout the World.
Hence, "Privacy" is one of the reasons that we cannot "Share" the "Living" individuals/persons in our own "Private Spaces" - it is NOT the ONLY reason; but, certainly has a bearing on the matter.
Another factor is that such would have to be 'Coded'/'Programmed' into the Programme that is "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch'.
'Yes', these "Living" individuals/person in "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch' WILL, in fact, in many (most) cases will be "Duplicated" - unfortunately a necessary situation that currently cannot be avoided.
I know that there are "Duplicates" of the "Living" ME - at least, one for my Wife and each of our Children, not to mention my other ("Living") extended Family members.
Here are some "Knowledge Articles" in 'FamilySearch' in regard to "Private Spaces" and "Living" individuals/persons:
What is a private space in Family Tree?
Who can see my living relatives in Family Tree?
I hope this helps.
Now ...
As an aside ...
IF, all the "Living" individuals/persons that connect/link you both together, already exist; or, you have both subsequently added them, in your respective 'FamilySearch' Accounts; THEN, there is another option available to you; and, that is to ENABLE "Relationship Viewing" (which can be found by selecting your "Display Name"; then, selecting, "Settings" from the 'Drop Down' Menu; and, then, selecting the "Permissions" 'Tab').
I hope this may help further.
Of course, you can also use the "Third Party" Application that is "Certified" to work with "Family Tree" of 'FamilySearch', found in the "Solutions Gallery" of 'FamilySearch'
being (BYU) "RelativeFinder":
You simply use your 'FamilySearch' credential's (ie. UserName; and, Password) to get up and running.
There are many 'Bells and Whistles' ...
Good Luck.
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The way to link trees is by entering a common relative; once the common relative is added your trees will link. Family Tree is a collaborative tree and each person does not "own" their trees.
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Great answers!