Can someone translate two marriage records into English for me? Record #35 on this page: https://w
record #50 on this page:,1067760701&cc=2139860. Thank you, Meg
Information from the first one.
1834, 27 June, 8AM:
Charles Louis Desimpelaere, young man age 34, born here 2 May 1800, living in Waregem, here "gedomicilierd" (official living place), adult son of Francis and Marie Anne Depypere, both died here on 24 March 1816 and 7 March 1824, grandson of Joseph Desimpelaere with Anne Marie Marcelis both died here on 6 October 1772 and 20 October 1756 and Jan Depypere with Marie Anne Claerhout, both died in Meulebeke on 23th November 1813 and 10 February 1815.
Rozalia Vanhaverbeke, young daughter age 32, born here on 19 Thermidor year 10 of the French republic, "spineste" (spinster=single woman), born here adult daughter of Amandus (present) and Catharina Deblanck living in st-Eloois Vijve
Information form the second one.
1835, 19 August, at 4pm:
Joannes Benedictus Vanhaverbeke, young man, age 28, born in this village on 2 November 1806, living here, adult son of Amandus (died in the village on 7 September 1834) and Catharina Deblane, "spineste" (spinster=single woman), living here and present.
Marie Joanne Vancraeynest, young daughter, age 38, born in Waregem on 19 Messidor year 6 of the French republic, "Spineste", living here, adult daughter of Pieter Jacobus, living in Waregem (present) and Marie Joanne Waelkens (died in Waregem 14 January 1831)
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Thank you.
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The second one. Sint-Eloois-Vijve, August 19, 1835. Groom: Joannes Benedictus Vanhaverbeke, age 28, born in this town on 2 november 1806, laborer, residing here, adult son of Amandus, who died in this town on 7 September 1834, and of Catherine Deblanc Spinsasse, residing here, present and consenting. Bride: Marie Joanne Vancraeynest, age 38, born in Wareghem [I think] on 19 messidor year 6, residing here, daughter of Pieter Jacobus, laborer, residing in Wareghem, present and consenting, and of the late Maria-Joanna Waelkens [?] who died in Wareghem on 14 June 1831. Witnesses: Frederic Vandeputte, 37, baker, Bernardus Debruyne, 33, smith, [?] Vercruyst, 47, tailor, and Joannes Laat, 43, constable, all four residing in this town, not related to the couple. The father of the bride and the mother of the groom declared not being able to sign their names.
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Thank you.