Does anyone have a powerpoint presentation on how to use the Consultant Planner? I'm familiar with
Five minutes is not long enough. If it took Kathryn Grant 10 minutes to do it, I don't think anyone can explain it in 5 minutes.
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@jblarsen jblarsen
Nothing has changed in some respects ...
They just still do not understand the importance of "Temple and Family History" Work ...
'Yes', it so sad to be limited to such a short time by your Priesthood Leader, for such an IMPORTANT 'Tool', for "Temple and Family History" Work; particularly with the, resurgence of this Work; and, the current "Lock-Down".
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I would actually refuse to do a poor job on it and offer that man a few alternate ideas of what I could explain well in 5 minutes.
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@jblarsen jblarsen I'll be the descenting voice here. When my priesthood leader asks me to take 5 minutes to explain some aspect of our work, I am grateful for the opportunity and I take 5 minutes. Why? #1--I trust that he prayed about it before he asked me and probably has lots of other things filling the other available time and #2--If i do a good job giving a brief overview, maybe I will pique their interest and they will ask for more another time.
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I agree with N Tychonievich. Besides there have been recent changes to the Consultant Planner and none of the videos out there are up to date. Even Judy Sharp at BYU Family History Library video is 8 months old and that video is 10 minutes. Take the 5 minutes and give a quick intro not a complete explanation.
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I am going to second @N Tychonievich in this. 5 minutes is enough to explain the "Why" and the purpose of the tool, then possibly share the main sections. No, it's not enough to train on how to use it, but the Why is more important so people truly understand and as N. said, it will pique their interest and they will want to learn more. And you can offer 1-1 training to help them learn more later.
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I agree 5 minutes seems like a token nod or "square filler," but it's still an opportunity. While standing your ground (which I support) about not doing a 'half-baked' job, you can still attempt to explain why 5 minutes is simply not sufficient to accomplish A, B, and C of something (in this case the planner), while also being seen as fully cooperative and agreeable by saying you'll do your best with the time you've got. Then do as @Janell Vasquez and @N Tychonievich said. At the end, simply tell them that this was just an overview since there are many other things to cover in the meeting (thereby not appearing to undercut leadership), and that you'll be happy to show more at another time or meet with people individually to show them how to actually accomplish the great things you can do with the Planner tool. Leave it on a positive note with the dangling fruit of more good information, and you'll generate curiosity and hopefully follow up action on their parts (which becomes personal commitment).
-- Chris
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Dellory, Can you point me to the Kathryn Grant video or powerpoint that explains the Consultant Planner that you mentioned? Thank you
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I'm not the one who mentioned it. That was "jblarsen". I didn't find a 10 minute video. I found 2 longer ones. See the comment above and also:
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This is a handout we use at the Layton FamilySearch Center for using Helper Resource including the Planner. You may be able to select something out of this to use. Yes, what can you do in 5 minutes???
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I would use the 5 minutes to help them understand the desired direction is to have a 1:1 personalized lesson with a consultant that has prepared by using your helper number. I train my consultants to sign everyone up as a consultant, and have them walk through the current offerings found in the consultant planner. I have had that same conversation and understanding with my Stake Presidency, my bishopric, and my RS and EQ presidencies, as well as my Family History Center staff - let’s get people to the consultants who are trained to help. We take that approach with missionary effort - we don’t expect everyone to teach gospel lessons, but instead point people to the missionaries who are trained to do that.
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Chiming in here I am not aware of any presentation I've given on the consultant planner that is only 10 minutes long.
I did an updated webinar about 9 months ago which you can access here:
Here's the slide deck, in case it's helpful:
From what I can tell, the "official" name has changed from "consultant planner" to "helper resources."
I noticed good points in the comments I read above. In my experience, it's not black and white. I've found that some leaders relegate a small amount of time because they have misunderstood (or been misinformed) that "doing family history" no longer requires any thought or effort, but just clicking a few buttons.
I think open communication is the key. If someone asked me to do this in 5 minutes, I'd ask them if they realized that a meaningful explanation would take longer. If they were okay with shifting things to give me more time, great. If not, I'd do what multiple people suggested above--give a teaser in 5 minutes and offer more help via 1:1 training or discovery experiences. In fact, I'd probably bring a signup sheet for people who wanted to meet later.
Hope that helps!
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I do! Check our channel. If there is something you like I can send you the deck and you can shorten the PowerPoint but our friend up there is correct. 5 minutes is un thinkable. This is just one of several that teaches a consultant the hot spots to look for for Temple opportunity using the planner. You can also email us at
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I'm watching the video and the steps to get to the planner don't take me to a planner. I cannot find it. Does this still exist in 2020? My screens do not look like the screens in her presentation? Any help appreciated
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This is too old
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Ah That’s because they took away the previous version option it’s basically the same thing only you just click family tree and then Fan chart and then there’s the exact same different fan chart options
they can easily be replaced in the PowerPoint with “snip it”
do you want the deck? Send me your email
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@pstephenson1 pstephenson1 , here's how you can get to Helper Resources now:
- On almost any FamilySearch page, click the circled question mark in the upper right corner.
- On the dropdown menu, click Helper Resources.
- The names you've invited to the planner show on the right.
Hope that helps!
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thank you Kathryn, I can find Helper Resources. Its the whole planner thing I know nothing about. I am a T&FH Leader and need to show my consultants. What is it and how do I do it?
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Oh, sorry, I misunderstood. The more recent webinar I did might help:
Now it's a little out of date, but it's not as bad as the oldest ones
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Oh thank you Kathryn!
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You're sure welcome! In case you need the slide deck for that webinar, here's the link:
I posted it earlier, but the posts show up in a strange order so I'm not sure if you were able to see it (apparently not chronological, at least for me). Anyway, if it helps, you're welcome to make a copy and adjust it as needed. Please let me know if you have questions!