How do i share or Allow some one who has shared theirs with me in Ancestry but just wondering if i c
@TurnerJudithAnne1 TurnerJudithAnne1 Sharing your tree through FamilySearch is exceptionally easy. The only requirement is for the other person to have their own FamilySearch account. Once they have created an account and at least added themselves to the Family Tree, they're ready to explore the whole tree. Because the FS Family Tree is just one large, universal family tree for the whole human family tree, we're all involved in adding more branches and leaves all the time, and refining the accuracy of those links and the person information for each person. Only living persons are hidden except to those who actually added them to the tree.
All you have to do is provide the PID (the identification number/letter combination) associated with the very closest deceased relatives on your tree. For example, if at least some of your grandparents (or even your parents) are deceased, copy their PIDs and send them to that other person with whom you'd like to share your portion of the tree. If you and I seemed to share a line associated with my paternal grandmother for example, I'd simply do the following with you:
- Go to my relative (in this case my paternal grandmother) on FS Family Tree (for this I prefer the Landscape view because it shows the PID associated with each person).
- Left-click with your mouse on the PID associated with her, for example ABC1-D23 (not a real PID but same format).
- Once you've clicked the PID you'll see "Copy ID" just above it - click that little notice and the PID will be copied into your computer clip board.
- Then I'd go to the email or message I was sending you and "paste" that ID into the message to you.
- In the message I'd explain to you that all you need to do is go to Family Tree and on the menu bar above the tree, click "Find."
- I'd explain to you to change the "Find" method from "Find by Name" at the top of the search box to "Find by ID."
- Then I'd have you simply copy the PID for my paternal grandmother into that "ID Number" box.
- Up will pop her name, and all you'd do is click on her name.
- Next will appear a small window with very basic information about her. At the bottom of that window you'd have a choice to either look at her in a tree view, or look at her Person page.
Using those instructions, your new contact person will then be able to explore the family lines of that closest deceased relative of yours that corresponds to their ancestral line as well. And from there, your contact can simply start adding living persons (which will only show up to them due to privacy - similar to Ancestry), and keep adding until they can connect to the ancestor you sent them. They're now well connected in FamilySearch Family Tree!
From there, using other software such as RootsMagic and others, people can more easily copy portions of their FS Family Tree to Ancestry, and copy their tree on Ancestry over to FamilySearch. Just be careful of duplicates in FamilySearch, and be sure to clean them up through merging of existing people already in FamilySearch with the newly added same people brought over from Ancestry if any duplicates were created in that transfer process.
Hope that helps.