Help me identify a word in this document
I can read French, but I have never come across the word in the bottom center before. Right after "de George Suain age de quarante un ans _________ tous deux du...." It looks like it could be his occupation, but I have never heard of a "Beicteur" or whatever that reads.
Can you post the link to the file itself,not the snippet,maybe it can be derived from the context,or compared with other pages in the scope.This could indicate were to search.its the first time i see that word.Puzzling.
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Apparently its an old word for 'Boiteux' -the limp,cripple...
please find it via control f on the page.
Modern version= Boiteux.
=> boieteux
That makes it easy to complete the phrase above as -' Boieteux tous deux'---both crippled or both handicapped.I would make a lot of sense.
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Oh thank you so much! That answers some important questions.
You are the best.
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Thx, its my pleasure.
Take care.