Translation Karol Keller Marriage
Can I have help with the translation of Karol Keller's Marriage. I think he is the right one now. Year 1829 slide #13
Thank you
Translated from Polish:
Marriage Record No. 13, Ozorkow Evangelical Parish, dated the 3rd June 1829, of Karol Keller,a widower, cloth maker, resident of Ozorkow, born in town Samocin, District Bydgoszcz, Great Duchy Poznan, son of Karol and Anna Rozyna, born Andreas, married couple Keller, both already deceased, he is 32 years old, and of a maiden, Anna Luisa Redel, 20 years old, daughter of Gottfryd Redel, a laborer, already deceased, and of Anna Loisa, born Johns, his wife, living in Ozorkow, she works as a servant. Three Marriage Banns published in Ozorkow Parish. Oral permission of mother of the bride was granted. No impediment detected. No prenuptial agreement. Witnesses: Michael Quentzer, brother-in-law of the above- mentioned Karol Keller, 39 years old, and Karol Marc, 77 years old, both cloth makers, residents of Ozorkow. Signatures of Michael Quentzer and Karol Keller.