Translation check please
This is a 1634 Marriage record from Abstatt, Württemberg, for Geörg Speder and Catharina Lampen (not sure I have the names spelled correctly). I have attempted to get most of the words transcribed and gave an effort to translate the meaning. I would greatly appreciate a check of my work and additions/corrections as needed.
The entry is at the top left of the attached image.
Thank you,
Cynthia McClanahan Cruz
Mejores Respuestas
Oh, my goodness. My brain is frozen today!!!! Thank you, Ulrich!
Geörg Speder.
Aetum Monn Jahrs dem 20 Januari 1634. haben Ihren Ihr ehe, Christlichen ordnung Enisegen uend Confirmihn lassen Geörg Speder Zimmerman Burger, uend Wittuew zur Abbstatt uendt Catharina, Geörg Lampen Seeligen Tochter zur ?, Gott gebe Ihnen Seinen Seegen.
Geörg Speder
In the same year on 20 January 1634 Geörg Speder carpenter citizen and widower of Abbstatt and Catharina, Geörge Lampen’s blessed daughter of ? have kept their marriage according to Christian order, God give them his blessing.
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You did excellent with this rather difficult handwriting! Some letters are difficult to recognize and the old language/spelling adds additional uncertainties. Here are my edits:
Geörg Speder.
Actum Monntags dem 20 January [1]634. haben Ihren Ihr ehe, Christlichen ordnung Einsegnen unnd Confirmiren lassen Geörg Speder Zimmerman, Bürger, unnd Wittwer? zur Abbstatt unndt Catharina, Geörg Lampens Seeligens Dochter zur Happenbach, Gott gebe Ihnen Seinen Seegen.
Geörg Speder
Happened on Monday 20 January 1634. Geörg Speder carpenter citizen and widower of Abbstatt and Catharina, daughter of the late Geörge Lampen of Happenbach have had their marriage consecrated and confirmed according to Christian order, God give them his blessing.
Where is your attempt?
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Thank you, Ulrich Neitzel. This entry gave me Catharina's father's name, my tenth great-grandfather (if my records are all correctly interpreted!) Perhaps, I will be able to connect Geörg to more of his family members?
I appreciate your encouragement and help so much!
Cynthia McClanahan Cruz