Berlin Death Registration
Would someone help out with the following translation? I missed one part. I do know the surname Mueller is spelled with an umlaut, I'll correct that after the fact. Appreciate your help and assistance. The record is from
Nr. 439
Berlin, on March 1st, 1895
Before the register today, ???
That Ernestine Mueller nee Zingler, 70 years old, Evangelical (Lutheran) religion, living in Berlin Elshshorstrasse N2, born in Kniephof bei Naugaard, widower of tailor (schneider) Heinrich Mueller, lived and died in Falkenburg in Pommern. Daughter of …storbaum (some time of forest worker?) Huesikurg Friedrich Zingler from letzsziedibsow bei labes and his wife, Auguste nee Hegert from Kloeleshagen bei Wangerin died in Berlin on the 28th of February 1895 at 6:30am.
The Register, Krug in ?
The agreement is certified in the main office of Berlin on March 1st, 1895.
The Register – Krug in ?
Mejor Respuesta
Here are some additions and corrections in bold -
Nr. 439
Berlin, on March 1st, 1895
Before the civil registrar today, the director of the royal Charité here gave written notice
That Ernestine Müller nee Zingler, 71 years old, Evangelical (Lutheran) religion, living in Berlin Elsasserstrasse N2, born in Kniephof bei Nauga
ard, widowerof tailor(schneider)Heinrich Müller, last residing in Falkenburg in Pommern. Daughter of the deceased musician Friedrich Zingler last residing at Dibsow near Labes and his wife, Auguste nee Hegert, deceased, last residing at Klockshagen near Wangerin,died in Berlin in the Charité on the 28th of February 1895 at 4:30am.
14 printed words above crossed out.
The Civil Registrar, Krug by proxy
The agreement with the main register is certified.
Berlin on March 1st, 1895.
The Civil Registrar – Krug by proxy
Note - Dibsow is probably Dübzow -
Thank you @sylviaelchinger1