translation request Marriage 1895
Marriage 1895 Ziegler/Hauk?
Lodz sw Trojcy, Evang. #249,detail,5145,129
Translated from Russian:
Marriage Record No. 249, Lodz, Evangelical Parish of Sw. Trojcy, dated the 5th October 1895, of Gustav Traugott Albert Ziegler, a bachelor, local merchant, 24 years and 6 months old, born in Lodz, son of a local merchant, Traugott Rudolf Ziegler and of his wife, Marta, born Buritzke, he is of Evangelical-Augsburg faith, and of a maiden, Sigrid Irma Hauk, 19 years and 6 months old, she was born in Lodz, daughter of a merchant, Heinrich Alojzy Hauk and of his wife, Augusta, born Karof, she lives with her parents in Lodz, she is of Evangelical-Augsburg faith. Three Marriage Banns published in this Evangelical-Augsburg Church. The oral permission of the father of the bride was granted. Prenuptial Agreement recorded with the Notary in Wladyslawow on the 3rd October 1895. Witnesses: Albert Ziegler - uncle of the groom from Barten, Prussia, - a locksmith, 48 years old, and Karl Hauk, brother of the bride from Lodz, who is a merchant.
V.M.: Barten, the German name for Barty, Warmian-Masurian Voivodeship, a village in Iława County, Poland -
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