Transcription request: 1694 Baptism Records, Gelting

The baptism records in the attached screenshot from Gelting Parish in 1694 share a common word following the names of the baptized children that I cannot transcribe, either in German or Latin… naj or nas or naf or ???
The baptismal entry of interest to me is that for Tobias, son of Jurgen Nilsen [,] Schmid, but I am also curious about the other entries.
Please help.
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I agree with @JohnsonGreg that the reference could be to the pastor. Although the correct German would be "nach mir" instead of "nach mich".
Regarding the pastor I read:
Tobias Meyer, Stralesunda Pomeranus vociret(?) 1694. d. 5 Aug. Trat(?) Dom[inica] 10 p[ost] Trin[itatis]
sein h[iesiges?] Amt an. Deus benedicat.Translation:
Tobias Meyer, a Pomeranian from Stralsund, was appointed on Aug 5 1694. Took up his office here on the 10th Sunday after Trinity. The Lord bless him.
My comment:
The 10th Sunday after Trinity in 1694 was Aug 5 (Julian calendar) or Aug 15 (Gregorian calendar). The Julian calendar was valid in Danmark until 1699.
To me the word looks like "nach" = after. For example, in the first record the son is named Detlef after the "Herrschaft" (ruler, master).
For Tobias, the words are nach Mich.(?). Not sure what it refers to.
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Is it possible that the entry for Tobias should read "nach mich," i.e. "after me"? Compare to the entry for 19 October, where it says "nach meiner Frauen."
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I can visualize the word "nach" once you suggest that, and, it seems to make sense with a number of other baptismal entries.
However, if the transcription for Tobias Nilsen is "nach mich", then it seems to make no sense since his father's name was "Jurgen". Your thoughts??
There are other entries where, at first glance, the wording also does not make sense. e.g., the 16th Oct baptism for Maria Elisabeth Carlsen… "nach m[eine] tochter". However, I know it was common in that part of Denmark/Germany for subsequent children to be named in memory of earlier children who preceded their birth. So in this case it appears Maria Elisabeth was named in memory of a previously deceased sibling.
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@Robt_Nielsen ; In each case I think the "my/me" refers to the Pastor who is writing the record rather than the childs father.
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@JohnsonGreg (cc: @Ulrich Neitzel)
That's an interesting thought.
With regard to my interest in the 30 Sep 1694 baptismal record (above) for Tobias Nilsen "nach mich"… pp. 288-289 of the Gelting Parish Register, 1694-1732, lists the pastors who served that parish since 1618.
Do I interpret the screenshot below correctly that Tobias [Meipes?] began serving the parish on 6 Aug 1694? If so, that would support your suggestion that the "my/me" in some of these early records refers to the Pastor who wrote the record.
Tobias [Meipes/Meises?] [Stralehanda=?]
[Pomeranas?] [vocizet?] 1694
d[es] 6 Aug. [??at] Dom. 10 [des?] Trin.
[sein?] S. [aus?] [?] Deus benedicat
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@JohnsonGreg , @Ulrich Neitzel
Thanks to both of you for your help and insights.