Translation Request
This is the record for the death of Caecilia Schmitz (married to Anton Halfmann). [I know her name is spelled with an umlaut above an "a" but I don't know how to type that, sorry.]
Her birthdate is 18 January 1791. Her last child recorded was Susanna who was born 6 June 1833. Just wondering the information on this record if it helps me understand what happened with Cecilia.
Thank you!
Vigesima octava Aprilis omnibus morientium sacramentis munita obiit in Do[mi]no anno aetatis suae quadragesimo Caecilia Schmitz uxor Antonii Halfman ex Dreis, et trigesima huj[us] sepulta est in Coemet[erio] paroch[ialis]
On the twenty-eighth of April, provided with all last rites, Caecilia Schmitz, wife of Anton Halfman from Dreis, died in the Lord in the fortieth year of her age, and on the thirtieth of this month she was buried in the parish cemetery.
Comment: There is no cause of death mentioned in this record.
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Thank you again Ulrich! You have helped me so much!