death translation -Gerlach
I basically am trying to determine if he was a widower—I am not seeing his wife name: Please translate this record: Thank you
No 12 1831 Philipp Gerlach ???? Heinrich Gerlach —-Anna Elisabeth Zimmermann
Here's the translation by column -
Running number - 14
Residence, street and house number [etc]- 12
Name, status, and origin of the deceased - Philipp Gerlach, famer, legitimate son of Heinrich Gerlach and his wife Anna Elisabeth Zimmermann
Place and time of his birth - Asmushausen in the year 1791
Day and hour of death - twenty-sixth of December
Time of burial - 28 December
Other comments - [blank]
Note - the occupation after Philipp's name isn't quite clear. I'm reading it as Wirth, which can translate to innkeeper, but is also an old term used to mean farmer.
Also, there is no indication that he was married. If you look at the entry above his, the deceased person is listed as "the wife of…" so I'm guessing Philipp might have been listed as "the husband of…" Maybe look at some other entries on the pages before and after this to determine what the custom was in the parish for mentioning surviving widows rather than parents of the deceased.