Understanding Swedish moving record
I am tracking Anna Stina Kumlin. I have found her moving into Maria Magdalena, Stockholm and I thought I understood where I could find her but I haven't been able to find her.
Here is the moving in record, entry 37
I believe the record states that she is moving into Dy kärret mindre household 43. I have looked on this page and the surrounding ones but I did not see her. There are other notes on the record on the right side that I do not understand. Please help me find the page she is listed on.
You are correct, in the move record it says that she moved to Dykärret mindre nr 43 but she's not there, I've also checked the following records in Dykärret mindre but can't find her, the next entry that I can find is in
Maria Magdalena Ala:60 page 15 In this source it says that she moved from 37/46, I figured it would be from page 37 in 1846 but that was wrong! it's actually your first record! The move record was wrong since she moved to Jupiter större, not Dykärret mindre. So 37/46 meant that she moved as nr 37 in 1846 under the letter K.//David
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With the above solved, the following are the notes I made while I was looking for the answer to the above question..
Anna Stina B:1821-12-23 in Lunds ägor, Ramsta C:2 picture 226
Storkyrkoförsamlingen Al:45 page 127 nr 7 in Cepeus (1845-1846), must be before she moved to Dykärret Mindre
Not in Dykärret mindre
Maria Magdalena Ala:60 page 15 nr 10 in Jupiter större (1849-1850)
Katarina Al:99 page 445 in Nederland (1849-1850)
Katarina Al:101 page 525 in Nederland (1851-1852)
Maria Magdalena Ala:68 page 151 nr 9 in Götha Ark (1853-1854)
Katarina Al:105 page 231 in Schultz (1854)
Katarina Al:108 page 177 in Häcklefjäll (1856)
Katarina Al:111 page 185 in Forman (1857)0 -
Do know what the note says in the column Fräjd.?
Something is still missing because she is not in Jupiter in 1846. That is a three year gap to the record where she is found in Jupiter större.
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About the Fräjd/fröjd this is where the priest would write about your reputation, in this case I can only read 234 and the year 1856. Sometimes there is something called Frejdlista/Fröjdlista where the priest would in detail describe a persons reputation. I can't see that Maria Magdalena parish had one. What I can tell from the record is that she had communion 19/1 1845 and as I noted in my previous reply, this is the record where the move record you mentioned originally points to. I'm pretty sure that there is no record in between that we missed!