Mettmenstetten ZH - Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - 1689 - Dachelsen - household statistics
Maschwanden ZH - Bevölkerungsverzeichniss - summary of Kirche education progress
Last document:
Im .... der Gmeind Dachelsen zugehörig
First a household:
Heini Wÿß / Elsbeth Grobin
Children: Elsbethli 06.10.72 / Hans
Ancilla (servant): Susanna Häfeli v(on) Lunnern 30 iar (Jahr)
Then we have some statistics:
Haushaltungen 21 (households)
Ehen 26 (marriages - likely in the sense of married couples)
Communicantes 78 (persons who have had their first communion)
Seelen 139 (souls = persons)
… and books:
Biblen 10 (bibles)
N(eues) Testament 3 (new testaments)
Psalmenbücher 22 (book of psalms)
Zeügnusbücher 23 (catechism with bible quotes)
Bottom right it says "Rossauw" - is that indicating that the village of Rossau is following next page?
BTW - are you sure this is the Bevölkerungsverzeichnis Maschwanden and not Mettmenstetten? I am asking as Dachelsen/Dachlissen belongs (today) to Mettmenstetten, not Maschwanden - same with Rossau.
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WSeelentag Yes, sorry about that, I checked and it was Mettmenstetten. I thought this was a nice little summary from a small community on how their religious education was progressing. Thanks for indulging me. KG