Please Translate of Johannes Riegel son Christening Record
Thanks for your help, Paula Rail
1706 Hansjörg(?) Wilhelm
Johannes Rigels Söhnlein, so er mit Anna Gerdruta seiner ehlich Haußfrau gezeuget war den 20ten 9br in diese welt gebohren u. den 23 ejusdem getauft worden. Die Gevatterleuth waren Hansjörg Hag von Gu_weiler, Wilhelm Steger von Dillgroth(?), Anna des Jörg Hagen ehliche Haußfrau.Translation:
1706 Hansjörg(?) Wilhelm
The little son of Johannes Rigel, who was conceived with Anna Gerdruta, his legal wife, was born into this world on the 20th of September and baptized on the 23rd of the same month. The godparents were Hansjörg Hag of Gu_weiler, Wilhelm Steger of Dillgroth(?), Anna, Jörg Hagen's wife.0 -
Wilhelm, legitimate son of Johannes Riegel and his wife Anna Gerdruta (Gertrud) was born on November 20th and baptised on the 23rd of the same month.
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You are awesome. Thank you, Paula Rail