Knonau ZH - Bevölkerungsverzeichnis - 1678 - Urmi & Lüssi - widow Anna & children
This Bevölkerungsverzeichnis lists Anna and her children in the home with their ages and where they are in their religious training. I will leave it up to you how much to translate. However, I am very interested in section A.
This BV helped me find Alexander's death/burial record because he wasn't listed. I looked in Knonau and Ottenbach, and have not been able to find Anna burial record.
All the best, KG
III Baregg
Vnden für dem Hof Buch
A. Anna Leüssin; Vander (= Alexander) Vrmiß Sël(ig) Eheliche hinderlassene Wittfr(au)w, Deren Kinder.
1. Verena - 32 Jahr vnd 6 w(ochen), dienet zu Zwilliken
2. Anna - 27 Jahr vnd 3 woch(en), dienet im Buch
3. Jagli - 25½ Jahr vnd 15 w(ochen), dienet zu Mëttma(n)stetten
4. Arbogast - 21 Jahr vnd 18 woch(en). Ist wol-erfahren in Catecheticis; v(nd) communiciert.
5. Hanß Rudj - 17 Jahr vnd 17 woch(en). Recitat Testimonia [S(cit)?] vnd kann die vorgehenden Stuck [..]
6. Vrendlj - 16 Jahr vnd 3 woch(en). Scit fragmenta.
7. Barbelj - 8 Jährig vnd 8 wöchig, scit Triadem püopularem.
Ibidem Ehe-Leüth:
Vllj Vrmj; deren obverzeichneten Kinderen Bruder vnnd Rëgel Vollenweider
Missing on the list is Margreth (≈ 09.05.1647 > 31 years) who in 1683 lives with her brother Arbogast.
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Thank you Wolf. This puts the finishing touch on Alexander and Anna. I can only imagine how much time it takes to translate this complex document. Lots of great information. Anna had a lot to deal with after the death of Alexander. I wish we could follow each of her children and see what happened to them. All the best, Kent
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I just came across an interesting entry on Knonau-Tauf-1644-1645-film008014288-page104.jpg:
13.11.1644 Barbara, daughter of Alexander Urmi and Anna Leüssin in Baregg, obiit Peste in Alsatia temp. messis anno 1667.
So Barbara died in Alsace from the plague during the harvest season 1667.
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Another one on Knonau-Tauf-1653-1654-film008014288-page113.jpg:
02.04.1654 Felix, son of Alexander Urmi and Anna Leüssin in der Baregg, obiit in der Frömde.
So Felix died abroad.
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And one more on Knonau-Tauf-1663-1664-film008014288-page121.jpg:
13.03.1664 Alexander, obiit 14. vor (Weihnacht?) 1671
Unfortunately there is a blot over the entry: it would be helpful if you could provide a copy of this page in full resolution.
Alexander died in 1671 on a 14th prior to some holidy (Xmas??): possibly you could find a death record in 1671 clarifying the issue.
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Hi there, See mail for Alexander's docs.
If you want to translate any of these, other than Alexander, I am happy to find and post them. Your choice. You are still awesome. I'm amazed at what you can accomplish, so quickly, so thorough. 🤣
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"Knonau-Tauf-1663-1664-film008014288-page121.jpg: 13.03.1664 Alexander, obiit 14. vor (Weihnacht?) 1671"
would be nice - hopefully readable with confidence. The other two were mainly for your information, as you showed interest in Alexander's offspring.
Also checking the death register 1671 would be helpful.
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Without indexing I looked through all burials from 1670-1680. I have posted everything I found. I asked for translation of 1676.
Only 3 burials in 1671.
Alexander Jr's baptism and burial sent via email and posted below: