Bug: Attaching Marriage to Source Linker Created Profile
This evening I came across a marriage source for a woman's first marriage and had this interesting bug show up.
- Clicked on the button in the source for the wife to enter the source linker.
- Attached record to the wife.
- Clicked on Change Spouse to choose none of the above to create a new spouse.
- No matching profile came up so created a new one.
- Now had the husband in the record and the newly created husband profile lined up.
- Clicked Attach
- The record expanded for review but the marriage information vanished so there was nothing to move over.
- Attached the record anyway.
- With the line closed, the marriage information reappeared.
- Re-expanded the record and the marriage information vanished again.
- Tried closing the line, detaching the record, then clicked attach again. Once more the marriage information vanished as soon as the record expanded. Did re-attach the source.
I finally was able to move over the marriage information by changing the focus person to the husband, detaching the source from the wife, then reattaching the source to the wife. During reattaching, the marriage information behaved itself and I was able to move it over to the right during the attach process.
It appears that creating a new profile in the source linker confuses the source linker and causes the routine to act as if the new profile is the focus person in that marriage information cannot be added to a focus person, only to the focus person's spouse.
@Gordon Collett I wonder if this is related to something that I observed but I thought was due to my ineptitude.
I would go from an existing source linker page that was partially completed, ( bride, bride's father, groom ), then to attach the groom's father, I selected to view the record, ( which then opened in the right side-panel) then I selected the groom as the new focal person. What went wrong was that the source linker seemed to retain the original focal person as the target. The overall effect was that the new linker opened with the groom as the focus but the bride selected as the target. To progress properly, I had to edit the URL to replace the bride's PID with the groom's.
I thought it was due to my error at first, but it's happened a few times over the last few days, so I think somethiing's changed in the linker internals.