Translation request - check on ChatGPT translation from Swedish
This is a paragraph from a recent town history (town is in Norrbotten). It talks about my great grandfather. I had it translated by ChatGPT. I wonder if someone can tell me how accurate the translation is. Not sure of these words in the translation: crofts, mantal.
Olof Persson Lindqvist 1814-1894, som övertog 13/128 av No 4 bor kvar i gamla gården ”Nils –Lärs” och överlåter sitt hemman på 1870-talet till sonen Lars Olof Lindqvist 1846-?. Han är gift med Anna Fredrika Lindberg född 1855. Ganska snart och senast 1880 sker en delning av hemmanet så att Lindqvist behåller 1/16 mtl och överlåter resten 5/128 mtl som uppdelas till ”Sträät”, ”Lill-Änt” och ”Hennys” torpställen. Lars Olof Lindqvist är hårt skuldsatt och har 11 barn och enligt traditionen gjordes ett skenköp mellan Lindqvist och C.A. Östling No 3 där Lindqvist överlät hemmanet för en skuld på 300 riksdaler. C.A. Östling sökte och fick lagfart på 1/16 mtl No 4 och Lindqvist fick lämna hemmanet. Gården flyttades och blev till Johan Åströms mangårdsbyggnad och senare Viktor Åströms. Stället kallas av äldre personer fortfarande ”Nils-Lärs”. 1/16 mtl No 4 är sedan delat mellan Östling, Åström och Emanuel Johansson i Smedsbyn (Manel).L.O. Lindqvist bodde en tid i B.A. Lindgrens hus (”Vit-böninga”) men familjen flyttade sedermera omkring 1905 till Malmberget. Där hade Lindqvist då arbetat en tid. Vid ett tillfälle skrev han ett brev till sin hustru Anna och lär då på kuvertet ha skaldat Ett brev till hustrun Anna med ljusa ögonbryn, till 11 är hon mamma och bor i Ängesbyn.
Olof Persson Lindqvist (1814-1894), who took over 13/128 of No. 4, remained living in the old farm "Nils-Lärs" and transferred his homestead in the 1870s to his son Lars Olof Lindqvist (1846-?). He was married to Anna Fredrika Lindberg, born in 1855. Quite soon, and no later than 1880, a division of the homestead occurred, with Lindqvist retaining 1/16 mantal and transferring the rest, 5/128 mantal, which was divided into the "Sträät", "Lill-Änt", and "Hennys" crofts. Lars Olof Lindqvist was heavily indebted and had 11 children. According to tradition, a fictitious sale was made between Lindqvist and C.A. Östling of No. 3, where Lindqvist transferred the homestead for a debt of 300 riksdaler. C.A. Östling applied for and obtained legal ownership of 1/16 mantal No. 4, and Lindqvist had to leave the homestead. The farm was moved and became Johan Åström's manor house and later Viktor Åström's. The place is still called "Nils-Lärs" by older people. The 1/16 mantal No. 4 was later divided among Östling, Åström, and Emanuel Johansson in Smedsbyn (Manel).
L.O. Lindqvist lived for a time in B.A. Lindgren's house ("Vit-böninga"), but the family later moved around 1905 to Malmberget. Lindqvist had already been working there for a while. On one occasion, he wrote a letter to his wife Anna and reportedly composed a rhyme on the envelope: "A letter to wife Anna with bright eyebrows, a mother of 11, living in Ängesbyn."
Thanks for any help.
It's accurate
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Right, interesting to read and very good translation. Yes it is accurate, torp is croft, ställe is place, and mantal (mtl) is a unit of taxation, however it is not size as such, but there was a system so that fields of better quality and those of poorer quality were made more equal, so that there was more of poorer land to make up the crops of better land. So they were pretty good at valuing soil and estimating future amounts of grain. Of course bigger differences are clear, such as 1/2 is bigger than 1/16.
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For comparison here is the translation using DeepL (
Olof Persson Lindqvist 1814-1894, who took over 13/128 of No 4, still lives in the old farm ‘Nils -Lärs’ and transfers his homestead in the 1870s to his son Lars Olof Lindqvist 1846-? He is married to Anna Fredrika Lindberg born 1855. Quite soon, and no later than 1880, the homestead is divided so that Lindqvist retains 1/16 mtl and leaves the rest 5/128 mtl which is divided into ‘Sträät’, ‘Lill-Änt’ and ‘Hennys’ crofts. Lars Olof Lindqvist is heavily in debt and has 11 children and, according to tradition, a deed of sale was made between Lindqvist and C.A. Östling No 3 where Lindqvist transferred the homestead for a debt of 300 riksdaler. C.A. Östling applied for and obtained a title deed for 1/16 mtl No 4 and Lindqvist had to leave the homestead. The farm was moved and became Johan Åström's manor house and later Viktor Åström's. The place is still called ‘Nils-Lärs’ by older people. 1/16 mtl No 4 is then divided between Östling, Åström and Emanuel Johansson in Smedsbyn (Manel).L.O. Lindqvist lived for a time in B.A. Lindgren's house (‘Vit-böninga’) but the family later moved to Malmberget around 1905. Lindqvist had worked there for some time. On one occasion he wrote a letter to his wife Anna and is said to have written on the envelope A letter to his wife Anna with light-coloured eyebrows, to 11 she is a mother and lives in Ängesbyn.
While the general tone is quite similar, there are slight differences. In particular DeepL reproduces the original temporal forms (e.g., "he is married" for "han är gift" vs. "he was married" as ChatGPT produces). However, as I am not a native English speaker, I am not in a position to decide which translation is the better one.