Translation of stillborn child?
Nils Johan Nilsson and Lena Stina Johansdotter had a child on 28 December 1831 which I believe was still born but the gender was hard to decipher. The number 28 is noted which I believe is the age of the mother. What is the translation of the words at the extreme right of the page? Thanks for any help. Dan Conrad
Site of birth: Malmbäck, Jönköping, Sweden
The record say its a deadborn boy
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Here is my amateurish guess:
Svenske: Dec 28 [1851] Br Nils Jåhan Nilsson H. Lean Stina Johansdr i Fållsbev 28 (appears to be age of mother) Dödfödd (stillborn) Gude barn? (God child)English Dec 28 [1851] Br Nils Jåhan Nilsson [his wife] Lean Stina Johansdr of Fållsbev 28 (years old) stillborn God child