Memories from my kids
I'd really love to collect memories from my children and share them with grandparents, cousins, etc. However, I can currently only collect memories about them, not from them. I cannot create a church or family search account for them until they turn eight, but it would make for some fun family home evenings to have them go through some of the activities selecting their favorite foods, or recording their memories of our vacations and such. Is there a way to set up a completely managed account for a child? They don't need to be able to log in themselves. We could log into mine or my wife's account and then "switch profile" to a child's (preferably with shared access between mine and my wife's account). Then, when they are old enough have their own account, the managed profile could be migrated to their account.
It would just be a real shame to miss the first 8 years of their lives in this incredible personal history tool.
Thank you for this idea! Others have remarked on this as well and we have added your request to those already submitted to the product team.