Translation request
Birth, Chotusice catholic parish, Central Bohemia regional archive. I also have a screen shot I could send.
I'm new to Czech research. First entry on the page, here's what I can read: 28 Jun 1818, house #66, Petr Jan, father Jakub Cyner. I'd like help with the details and also reading the entry in a different ink (date 20 Jan 1851, is the first word a town? is it a marriage of Petr?)
Thank you
I'm glad you are learning how to work in Czech records. Check out the Czechia Resource Links on the top of the main page of this community. You will find a lot of useful links.
Alphabetical Index for christenings: W and V interchangeable for mother's maiden name. image 99, top, Chotusice, Christening 28 Jun 1818, House #66, infant: Petr Jan, Father: Jakub Cyner (from here?), Catholic, Male and legitimate, Mother: Kater(ina) daughter of + (deceased) Matige Wawrina sedlák=farmer, from ? (z Braick z Lidmile Kotrbowi?). If you find another record we might be able to pinpoint this place.
The different ink entry is the marriage date.
current map: 1900 map
I hope this helps.
Betseylee1 -
Thank you for your help. There are 2 other Chotusice christening records for children of Jakub Cyner: 1812 image 70 entry #4 and 1815 image 83 entry #3 that might help pinpoint the place Kater's father Matige Wawrina is from. I also need help to read the name of Wawrina's wife Ludmila Katrbowa? Thank you again for your help reading the Czech records.
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Sorry things have been crazy. Did you get these two records translater or still need help. I would be glad to help. Please send me a URL.
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Happy to hear from you. I still need help trying to read and locate the town that Petr Cyner mother's parents were from. There were atleast 3 children born to Jakub Cyner and Katerina Wawrina, details in the Aug 3 entry in the thread.
Chotusice #4
I appreciate your help. I want to look for Petr's marriage in 1851. Let me know if you need any other information.
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The link you sent just sent me to the title book in the series. Would you send me to the correct digital image, please? I will look for Petr's marriage, Did you get the two records translated?
0 - Index Marriages 1837-1891.
Ciner Josef and Katerina Lenkova in Chotusic House 68, Book B Vol. 5, folio 66, 1856, 4 Unora (Feb.),Chotusice 16, 2nd down, Chotusice, Marriage: 4 Feb 1856, House 68, Groom: Ciner Josef pulnik from Chotusic House 751 legitimate son of Jakuba Cinera pulnika= farmer holding half of a normal piece of land, a lan (36 acres) from Chotusu house 56 and his wife Barbora born Lorencove from Chotusic Katholic, Okre and Kraje Castavskeho. Paragraph are about posting the 3 bands, Catholic age 25 (Tom 5 fol 82-christening), Bride: Katerina legitimate daughter of Jana Lenka, Meister= Master Barvirskeho= dyer and Pulnika from Chotnsic House 68 and his wife Barbory born Meliravi from Chotusic House 123, Katholic from Okre and Kraje Caslavskeho (words at bottom probably permission to marriage), Catholic, age 17 (Tom 6 fol 18, Witnesses: Jan Wlassek chalupnik = peasant cottager House 59 and Jozef Stürma both from Chotusic
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Here are the other 2 entries for translation, I need help with all of the records but especially trying to identify the place Katerina's parents are from.
Chotusice #4, image 70 entry #4: Lizbeta born 12 Oct 1812 to Jakub Cyner and Katerina Wawrina.
Chotusice #4, image 83 entry #3: Ludmila born 16 Jul 1815 to Jakub Cyner and Katerina Wawrina.
I hope I'm sending you the link you need to read these records. I appreciate your help. It's really a challenge for me. (name removed)
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Just noticed your post on August 26. Did you still need help with these two records?
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@BVossB Mod note: Community is a public online forum. For your privacy, your post was edited to remove a name that is not part of your username. Please see the Community Code of Conduct for more details.
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BetseyLee, yes I still need help with the 2 records in my August 26 post.
0 -, Chotusic 04, Image 70, entry 4, Christening: 12 October 1812, House 100, infant: Alzbeta, Catholic , female , legitimate, Father Jaküb Cyner, Sedlák=farmer, Mother: Katerina daughter of Mateige Wawriny, Sedlák=farmer, and Lidmila ___ Mother
1 -, , Chotusic 04, Image 83, entry 3, Christening: 16 Jul 1815, House 100, infant: Lidmilla, Catholic , female , legitimate, Father Jaküb Cyner, Pulnik=farmer holding half of a normal piece of land, a lan (36 acres), Mother: Katerina daughter of deceased Mateige Wawriny, from Bracyiz (Bratcice) and his wife Lidmily Kotrbky ( also Kotrba).
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Marriage index for Bratcice for C :
Marriage index for Bratcice for K for Kotrba : Note how the eight down folio 17 .
I hope this helps. Bratcice is full of your surnames.
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Marriage: Potehy 12, image 7, marriage 30 Jun 1792, House 31, Groom: Jakub Cyner, Catholic, age 26, widowed, Bride Katerzina Wawzinka, Catholic, age 16, single,