Translation request
My wife's Grandfather was born in Belarus, near Minsk. We have several pictures/postcards with inscriptions on the reverse. Can someone
translate them for us, please? Also, can anyone tell us the location of the village listed as the place of origin? It is the fourth from the bottom on the ship's manifest. Thank You.
the inscriptions are:
"На добрую память дорогому товарищу Николаю Викентию господину Кичиевичу от товарища Юльяна Осипова Трусова"
(For a good memory to the dear friend Nikolay Wicenty Kichievich from a friend Julian Osipovich Trusov)
Крисмус презент (christmas present translisterated to Russian)"я снятой на корабле с другими пассажирами"
(Me photographed on the ship with other passengers)
"с такой самой ? как твоя"
(with exact same ? like yours)
Adam"Дорогой брантец Костик, спешу поздравить тебя с наступающими праздниками рождества Христова и с наступающим новым годом и желаю тебе проводить праздники в хорошем здравии и вечном благополучии. Брат А."
This one is a general Christmas/New Year postcard from A(dam I guess) to his brother Constantin.
I can't guess any text on the second one.
The name of the village is likely Ятвезь, but there are/were at least 9 like this in Belarus and around:
Best regards,