Obituaries or death listing
I'm doing some research on my wife's side of the family. Her paternal gr-grandmother, Emma J.M. Johnson nee Jacobsen, was born in Hasle, Denmark on 24 Apr 1885. Her parents were Haagen Jacobsen and Kjersti Nielsen. Haagen died in Hasle on 19 Sep 1918; Kjersti died in Ronne, Denmark on 1 Dec 1932.
Where would I go to look for obituaries or death records related to them?
Thanks for the help!
Obituaries are not really a thing in Europe and I don't think FamilySearch has a lot of Danish death records. However, someone found a death record for an ancestor of mine below. You may have to ask for assistance to switch to your location, but the site does have a translation feature for the site text (not the image text).
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Thanks, Gail, for the information. I didn't think that obituaries were that big in Europe, but I thought I'd give it a try. I'd like to learn more about the individual if I can other than just a name and dates (which are important I know).
Thank you again,
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Håkan's death record in Hasle, Bornholm, Denmark is here (entry #7):,25017674
Kiersti's death record in Rønne, Bornholm, Denmark is here (entry #78):,25923689.
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Wow! @Norm Baker , you may have been the person who helped me! How kind of you! @William Farrell_1 have you checked out the link?
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This is awesome -- thanks very much. Would you mind walking me through the steps of how you obtained the records? I'm not familiar with the website. Thanks again!
For Gail-- I haven't had a chance to check out the site but I will!
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I will be happy to help you with the Danish website, but I can't do it right now.
I did look more carefully at Håkon's death record and the remarks about his death will interest you.
The remarks (in the far-right column) indicate that he died by suicide (selvmord). As nearly as I can read the record, he hung himself with a clothes line from a beam in the Lutheran mission society home where he lived.
When I have a little more time, I will give you some instructions on how to use the Danish arkive site.
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Thanks, Norm. I appreciate it. At your convenience. That's sad to hear about the circumstances around his death. His wife was still alive then--I wonder why he's living in a Lutheran mission society home and where's she's at during this time? Some things we may never know, I guess.
If it's not asking too much -- how do get the records translated? Do I post on this site and put in the subject line "Request translation" and attached the records?
thanks, again.
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"I'm not familiar with the website"
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If you need a translation for a record, just post it to the community. If you want to upload an image, that is fine, but it is often helpful to also supply a link to the record. That way, for difficult handwriting, we can compare to other samples to try to figure out what is being recorded.
If you would like to learn to use the church records in the Danish archives, you need to know a place (county and parish) and a date of a record. This link will help get you to the archives:
For example, to find Håkon's death record select Bornholm for the county and Hasle for the archive (parish). Clicking on the arrows gives a "drop-down" list that you can choose from. Then look for the time period, in this instance you would want the Kontraministerialbog (1813 - 2002). Click on the white "plus sign" in the black circle to the far left of the link, otherwise you will be taken to the first page of the first book. This is what you want to click on:
(Note: the Kontraministerialbog (1813 - 2002) Ny Scanning i farver - indtil 1892 does not include the time-period that you want, so choose the other one above it.) Then click on the link covering the time-period you want, in this case "1909-1918 FKVD". (Note: F=Født - born, K=konfirmation - confirmation, V=viede - married, D=døde - deceased.) Look for "Døde Mandkøn - Deceased Men" at the top of the page. Look through the pages till you find the year of his death, 1918. Then locate the year and date - September 19.
Then try the same process to find Kiersti's death in Bornholm county, Rønne parish.
Keep in mind that it is essential to use the diacritics when searching. For example "ø" rather than just "o", or "å" instead of "a".
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Hi Norm,
Thanks for your very informative recent email. One question -- when I'm inputting data into the website how do I set my computer to use the diacritics which you mentioned in your email?
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If you use a Mac, it is very easy - just type and hold the letter then type a number according to the menu that will drop down.
It is more complicated with a Windows machine. You have to hold down the "Alt" key then type in numbers using the #Keypad (on the right side of the keyboard), then release the "Alt" key.
Ä = Alt + 0196
ä = Alt + 132
Ö = Alt + 0214
ö = Alt + 148
Ø = Alt + 0216
ø = Alt + 0248
Æ = Alt + 146
æ = Alt + 145
Å = Alt + 143
å = Alt + 134
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Thanks for that tip!