Errors in data loading
Despite its great usefulness and importance for family history research, I have observed that the Family Search database has too many errors in the data loading.
As a journalist and historian I attach great importance to these aspects because they imply a huge rework for the researcher or user of the database. There are errors in the loading of names, dates, places etc etc. I have the impression, maybe I am wrong, that volunteers are left to load data from documents without proper testing of their skills and without prior training. In my case, I have tried as much as possible to correct the errors that appear in the files that I consult and that are of direct interest to me. Others I simply leave as they are.
Unfortunately, this is a waste of time and work, which should be corrected from the beginning, i.e. the loading of the data into the database.
It never ceases to amaze me the enormous effort behind the construction of such databases, the search and digitization of documents, especially knowing firsthand that there are places where access to the archives is not allowed either by overzealousness or control of the official on duty. I hope my comment is helpful. Mery
@MeryMogollon Thank you for comment. If you run across a data error such as those you are describing, please press the feedback button on the page which will send a link to the bad record to the engineers for correction.