Can someone read this birth record please.
There isn't any indication of where Lars Andersen is from except Nielstrup. The word in the record that follows Nielstrup is "Nafn:" which simply means "named". After "Jens" it just says that "his (Lars Andersen's) wife's sister held the child (during the christening). Then the witnesses are listed: young Peder Nielsens wife, Anders Søfrensen's wife Susanne from Hesed".
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Thankyou so much it really helps. the Nafn had me stumped because I was hoping it was the parish of where Nielstrup farm or residence resides. For it is not a farm/ residence in Freerslev Parish, Sorø. My limited experience has shown birth records name the father's current residence. That is why I am baffled as to where exactily the father is from because wiki search shows no Nielstrup in Freerslev where this birth record is found.
There are many Nielstrups in many counties in Denmark. The closest one to Freersleve (says wiki search) is Ulse Parish, Præstø. In your opion and research is this record giving the fathers birth place? There is another birth record of Lars Andersen's son 1748 saying he's from Olstrup and 1754 with other sons saying from Nielstrup. All recorded in the books of the parish Freerslev. Both Nielstsrup and Olstsrup are places in Ulse. Just wondering if you would know. Maybe he is living in Ulse and having babies in Freerslev?
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I just read that that the Pastorat Chapelry area was Ulse- Freerslev from 1555 - 1775. So Nielstrup and Olstrup residence/farms records would be apart of the Freerslev Parish .