Records from Bielsko-Biala Lipnik
Hello, do you know where are records from Lipnik 19th century? I have birth of Marie Anna Iciek 2.9.1889, father Adam, mother Rosalia Wezowska and i cant get more records...
It does not look like we have any records for Bielsko-Biala, Lipnik in FHL. - slaskie, does not have the record you are interested in, but they have some records from Lipnik, but no Iciek people.
You may review and enter Iciek. In 1998 there were about 600 persons of this name in Poland, 59 in Katowice (click on the blue Tutaj znajdują się objaśnienia skrótów to find the explanations of abbreviations, and on map to see their locations.
You may use which is equal to to locate your Lipnik, Bielsko Biala, among 34 other Lipnik communities in Poland. Use circles to zoom in and out to see that there are 3 Lipniks within Bielsko Biala.
Archiwum Państwowe w Katowicach Oddział w Bielsku-Białej link: szukajwarchiwach
I presume you are searching for Roman-Catholic records, while they have some Evangelical and some Jewish - mojzeszowe records. You may contact the Archives in Bielsko-Biala writing in English using the email below, in case they have any suggestions.
Silesia is the area where during the World War II many churches were destroyed and also many records. I wish I could help you more.