Where are the parents of Catherine Trimble
I have tried every way I know of to find the parents of :Catherine Trimble female 1785 – 9 August 1849 FS ID L2HF-WRZ
I believe she came for Armagh County. I would appreciate any hints for research.
Thank you!!
Dan Tippetts
Hi @Tippy That's rather early for finding records for County Armagh. You will be relying on church records. That means you need to know her religion to try to find her baptismal record. What information do you have?
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Hello @Tippy , Great question to ask. As @Áine Ní Donnghaile mentioned you are interested in dates fifty years or more before Civil Records of birth, marriage and death commenced in Ireland. Your only source will be parish records, which for your years of interest are very scarce.
Looking at the FS ID you provided of L2HF-WRZ, there are maybe some things you could do there to improve your chances of gathering as much useful information as possible. I find that paying attention to the accuracy of known information tends to maximize the chances of uncovering new information.
Looking at Catherine Trimble (L2HF-WRZ), her husband Peter Brown is currently shown to have two wives both called Catherine Trimble. The second Catherine Trimble is G7WX-H1Y. This second Catherine Trimble is shown to have three children, unfortunately the date of birth of the first child is before her mother Catherine was born. Something needs looked at there.
Peter Brown, Catherine Trimble's husband also has several records attached for children born to him and Catherine Trimble in England, not in Ireland.
You might find it very valuable to try and clean up these inconsistencies and consolidate what hard facts supported by records that you have.
I don't see anything in the attached records that indicates the couple originated and married in County Armagh in Ireland. Is there some record that you have in your possession that indicates County Armagh? Telling us some more about that record, and perhaps what other details it holds, might help us to help you more.