Ossenheim, Hessen - baptism in 1725 - Kopp family - transcription help
This is the baptismal entry for Anna Catharina in Ossenheim. The date is the same as the baptism date of the Anna Catharina who was the daughter of Johannes Kopp and Anna Barbara in the Familienbuch entry for him and his family. I need help to fill in the blanks of my transcription and translation and corrections as needed.
The second image is the full page and there is no URL.
Any help is appreciated!
Question: I read the father's surname as "Ko?", but the last one or two letters of the name are unclear to me. The info in the baptismal entry is the same as the Familienbuch entry (mentioned above) i.e. the father's occupation (although it is spelled a bit different); the mother's given names; the child's name, baptism date and place. So this would be the correct baptismal entry. Does the father's surname look like "Kopp"?
den 13 Martz [1725] ? Johannes Ko? Herrsch[a]ftl[icher] Schäfher allhier und seine eh[e]l[ich] Hausfrau A[nn]a Barbara ? Junge Tochter Tauf? gevatterin uxor Anna Catharina Joh[ann] Diederich Müllers Schäfhers zu Fauerbach Hausf? das ? heist Anna Catharina
On March 13, 1725 ? Johannes Ko?, Shepherd of the manor here and his wife Anna Barbara, was a young daughter baptized, the godmother is Anna Catharina wife of Johann Diederich Müller shepherd at Fauerbach ? the child is called Anna Catharina.
Mejor Respuesta
The name of the father might be Kopp (although it looks more like Kopf), it is hard to see. It is also possible that Kopp and Kopf were used interchangeably.
den 13 Martij [1725] lassen Johannes Ko? Herrsch[a]ftl[icher] Schäfer allhier und seine eh[e]l[iche] Hausfrau A[nn]a Barbara eine Junge Tochter Taufen. gevatterin war Anna Catharina Joh[ann] Diederich Müllers Schäfers zu Fauerbach Hausfrau das Kind heist Anna Catharina
On March 13, 1725 Johannes Ko?, Shepherd of the manor here and his wife Anna Barbara let baptize a young daughter. The godmother was Anna Catharina wife of Johann Diederich Müller shepherd at Fauerbach. The child is called Anna Catharina.
Fauerbach is situated next to Oseenheim. https://www.meyersgaz.org/place/10474049
The fourth letter of the father's name does look like a "f" and I will keep in mind this possible spelling of the name Kopp in other records for the family. I appreciate the link for Fauerbach on Meyers.
Thank you much, @Ulrich Neitzel for your additions and corrections!