Transcription Marriage Record Philipp Jaegers
This is a marriage record for Philipp Jaegers and Anna Catharina Burckhards on 4 December 1714 at Dielkirchen. I believe Philipp's father was of Rockenhausen and Anna Catharina's father was of Dielkirchen. Does this record state if both fathers were still living at the time of the marriage?
Thank you for your help!
Die 4 Xbris wurde Philipp Jäger, Wendel Jägers gewesenen Einwohners zu Rockenhausen ehelich geßeigter lediger Sohn mitt Anna Catharina, Philipp Burckhards einwohners zu Steckweiler(?) eheliche Tochter welche vor drey Jahren mitt einer anderen Person eine spurium geßeiget hatte, allhier zu Dielkirchen copuliret.
On the 4th of December Philipp Jäger, legitimate unmarried son of Wendel Jäger, former resident of Rockenhausen, was married here in Dielkirchen to Anna Catharina, legitimate daughter of Philipp Burckhard, resident of Steckweiler(?), who had produced an illegitimate child with another person three years ago.
Wendel Jäger is a former resident. so apparently deceased. No such remark for Philipp Burckhard, he seems to be still living.
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@Ulrich Neitzel Thank you so much for your help with this record. Interesting record.
When a record states that they are the former resident of a town, does that typically mean they moved or were deceased?
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I can't say that in general, but in such case (parent of a spouse in a marriage record) it usually means that they are deceased.
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@Ulrich Neitzel Thank you for your help!