German Translation Request
I had a wonderful person help me locate the information, below, regarding my relatives. I am very new to trying to read any type of German and apologize for being completely lost. I apologize if I am asking in the wrong way.
Here is a link to my original request for information. There has been a start to some translation requests, so not everything is required. Any help at assisting me with translation is so deeply appreciated.
Here's a link to a family in the 1880 census in Bohmisch Petersdorf. Joseph Scholler born april 7, 1859. And the catalog of censuses available:
Joseph's baptism?:
In additional, I think I may have found my gg-grandfather’s nephew, and from what I think I am reading, he was illegitimate. Can anyone translate any of this for Josef Schroller? He is at the top.
Thank you all. I am so grateful to have found this amazing and helpful group!
You forgot Joseph Jr's baptism.
The Joseph Schroller in the record you posted died at age 2 months, so he can't be the nephew who came to Texas.
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Thank you, Christopher. You can tell I am still in the baby stages of learning. I appreciate you letting me know I was looking down the wrong path. 😊