Looking for a marriage record
In this household record I learn that Carl And. Zettergren and An Charlotte Jansdotter were married 26 April 1854. However, I cannot find a marriage record. I have looked in Österhaninge and her birthplace Glanshammar with no luck.
Any help is appreciated.
Lori Merritt
You probably have already consulted the wiki
Looks like several clickable resources to look at
Church Records[edit | edit source]
Online Database Church Records[edit | edit source]
The easiest way to access the Swedish Church Records is through the internet, using these five sites (see links to specific collections below). Four of these sites require a subscription for access.
- Sweden, Stockholm Church Records, 1556-1939, index 1634-1860 at FamilySearch.
- MyHeritage.com ($),
- Ancestry.com ($),
- Arkiv Digital ($), and
- SVAR at Riksarkivet.
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Searching in FamilySearch Records for a marriage of a man with the surname of "Zettergren" and a woman with the first name "An*" in Stockholm (because she moves into Österhaninge from Stockholm) in 1854, I located this indexed marriage record: https://www.familysearch.org/ark:/61903/1:1:HCDC-HBT2.
Carl Anders Zettergren's and Anna (Char)Lotta Jansdotter's "lysnings = banns" record is here: https://sok.riksarkivet.se/bildvisning/C0054718_00514#?c=&m=&s=&cv=513&xywh=2378%2C78%2C4823%2C2568. It gives a bunch of information for the groom (under "Mannen = the man") and the bride (under Qvinnan = the woman") in the columns below the first paragraph. It tells their birth dates and birth places among other things. The marriage date is listed as 26 April 1854 at the bottom of the left-hand column.
The 2 April 1854 is not their marriage date as indicated in the indexed record. It is probably the first day the banns were read in the church. See this FamilySearch article on Engagement and Marriage Records: https://www.familysearch.org/en/wiki/Sweden_Engagement_and_Marriage_Records. were probably engaged on 31 March 1854-that is the date at the end of the first paragraph in the record.
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Thank you for the information and resources.