Translation request please
Please review & correct - can't translate first line and some of rest
Transcription: Die 15 January ANNO 1762
In eodem ecolea?? n Presbitero?? di Berharndo Havel C. R. C. Baptizavans est Mathias, filius legitimus: Jacobi Czerni Kojakoviczio F Uxoris ejus Ursula Dom: Trebon: ??? priori natus ejus levans Jacoby Votruba est eode pago Testis affiant??? Mariana uxor Cevensky
Translation: 15th day of January in (the) year 1762 In eodem ecolea n Presbitero di?? Bernarndo Havel C R C (??) has baptized Mathias, legitimate son of Jacob Czerny (from) Kojokowitz/Kojakovice and his wife Ursula of Domain: Trebon: Arbo Aron??? Priori?? natus?? ejus levans?? His primary/main ??? Godparent: Jacob Votruba of the same place Witness: Mariana wife Cevensky???
Thank you.
Here is my best guess at some of the letters which are hard to make out. mostly from the context this is what I think it says:
Translation: 15th day of January in (the) year 1762 In this church the priest Havel C R C (??) has baptized Mathias, legitimate son of Jacob Czerny (from) Kojokowitz/Kojakovice and his wife Ursula of Domain: Trebon: Arbo Aron??? First born ejus levans?? His primary/main ??? Godparent: Jacob Votruba of the same place Witness: Mariana wife Cevensky
I think you have most of it correct.
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Thank you.